Colorwork with Amble
I finished the yoke on my #kidsportycardigan test knit, and the colorwork is such a pleasure to knit. My original colors, a combination of Amble and Twist Sock Minis, didn’t work out the way I wanted so I had a couple of restarts. I love Red Screes in Amble as the main color and decided to go with a more traditional look using all Amble colors.
But I really loved the color palette of The Wool Barn Minis, so I am casting on another Porty with a lighter Amble background color.
Loving this pattern, I think colorwork is my favorite project. If you're nervous about steeking for a cardigan, then you're in luck because it's also available as a pullover...and for adults too!
Pattern: Kids Porty Cardigan by Gudrun Johnston, The Shetland Trader
Yarn: Amble The Fibre Company
Yarn: The Wool Barn Twist Sock Minis
The Wool Barn - Twist Sock Minis – Knitworthy Yarns