Sip & Stitch and Pop-Ups
Here's what we currently have planned this year so far. Hope to see you!
Sip & Stitch
- April 5th, 9 - 1 pm
Combined with Knit For Food!
We'll be there for 4 hours, drop in when you can!
@Weaver Street Market in Carrboro; 101 East Weaver Street
- May 3rd, 9 - 11 am
- June 7th, 9 - 11 am
- July 12th, 9 - 11 am
@TBD - August 2nd, 9 - 11 am
@TBD - September 6th, 9 - 11 am
- October 4th, 9 - 11 am
@TBD - November 1st, 9 - 11 am
CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER!!! March 16th, 12-5 pm
@Carrboro Bazaar, Carrboro Town Commons, 301 West Main St.
- New Date: March 30th, 12-5 pm
@Carrboro Bazaar, Carrboro Town Commons, 301 West Main St.
- April 13th, 12-5 pm
@Carrboro Bazaar, Carrboro Town Commons, 301 West Main St.
- May 11th, 12-5 pm
@Carrboro Bazaar, Carrboro Town Commons, 301 West Main St.
- October 12th, 12-5 pm
@Carrboro Bazaar, Carrboro Town Commons, 301 West Main St.
- November 9th, 12-5 pm
@Carrboro Bazaar, Carrboro Town Commons, 301 West Main St.